Monday, March 8, 2010

How do you cure hair loss. I use gel (alcohol free). I stop using gel for a month and my hair falls off.?

Any cure? for this thing. Can i go to the salon and get those hair damage shampoos.How do you cure hair loss. I use gel (alcohol free). I stop using gel for a month and my hair falls off.?
Here, see whats worked for me and when i mean worked i mean REALLY worked as in my hair has come back. Meaning i dont need to worry about going out or trying to hide the patches.

1. Scalp Massage for Improved Growth

Massaging the scalp for a couple of minutes a day can help improve the blood flow to the hair follicles and in most cases stimulate some hair growth. This is particularly helpful since poor blood circulation is one of the main causes of hair loss.

2. Saw Palmetto Extract

Saw palmetto has been used for years as an alternative treatment to fight off baldness and other alopecia problems. It contains natural DHT inhibiting substances. DHT or dihydrotestosterone is one of the major factors of hair loss and other alopecia disorders.

3. Healthy and Nutritious Meals Everyday

By eating in more nutritious meals everyday, you are providing your body as well as the hair follicles the necessary and vital nutrients involved in the natural hair manufacturing process. Eating in more healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and lean meat will ensure healthy hair growth.

4. Nettle Roots

Nettle roots contain high amounts of vitamins A and C as well as other beneficial nutrients that can help improve hair growth. Studies have also shown that nettle is capable of blocking 5-alpha reductase in treating alopecia problems.

5. Stress and Alopecia

Stress is one of the major inducing factors of alopecia problems. The effects of stress on your hair are very significant and severe. For this reason, make sure you regularly keep your stress level in check.

6. Biotin

Biotin has shown tremendous capabilities in improving the health, growth as well as volume of the hair. Biotin is considered one of the most important vitamins when it comes to treating and stopping alopecia. Biotin can be found in foods like eggs, cereals and brewer's yeast.

My dearest friend, I know all too well how it feels like to have hair loss. Embarrassments, frustrations and a huge dip in self confidence as well as hundreds of other bad things come hand in hand with baldness and hair loss.

I understand that, anyone that has hair loss problems is looking for the miracle way to cure it quick, cheaply and permanently. But does such miracle cure really exist? Not really.

But what if I tell you that an hair growing system that comes as close to miracle cure does exist?

Well I'll show you worked for me, now i dont know if they stock it in chemists but what i do know is that you should buy it directly from them which you can by visiting their offical site

Good Luck! Not only my experiance but also my fathers.How do you cure hair loss. I use gel (alcohol free). I stop using gel for a month and my hair falls off.?
Hi there,

I had problems with hair loss until I discovered Provillus. I suffered from male pattern baldness which I unfortunately inherited from my dad. It started when I was just 16. I went through that painful process of wasting money and trying all sorts of different products including procerin and rogaine and I finally found provillus. Provillus helped me regrow my hair again, Its amazing. It contains the clinically tested ingredient approved by the FDA to help re-grow your hair. Provillus is available for men and women. If you follow the link provided it will take you to the site where I get mine from. I re-ordered more the other day and I noticed that there are quite a few offers on the product at the moment which I unfortunately missed out on last time! Don鈥檛 waste time on the all those other products out there like I did, you might a swell just give your money to charity or something if your prepared to do that, trust me I know! It will change your life like it did mine. You will not be disappointed!
Shave your head. It'll take the weight of the follicles and maybe let them heal. Best of luck. Stop using gel when you do get it fixed.
I saw your question so I just started browsing the web. I ran across this product. Not sure if it works or not, but I guess it worth a try. Completely up to you.

They say that by rubbing nail you can stop hair loss. but can anyone tell me that how does that work just by r

I think that's sort of a silly myth, hair loss is halted or reverted only by surgery (hair transplant) or by clinically tested hair loss products like Minoxidil and Propecia.鈥?/a>They say that by rubbing nail you can stop hair loss. but can anyone tell me that how does that work just by r
I would say its only a myth. In rubbing nails, I suppose you may be talking about reflexology, which can be used to stimulate growth etc of different body parts. But even reflexology don't do nails.They say that by rubbing nail you can stop hair loss. but can anyone tell me that how does that work just by r
What kind of nail are we talking about ? toe nail,

thumb nails ? and rubbing together or with what and how?

anyway i would like to know too if there is really an answer.

Could it be your talking about rubbing steel nails over your head??? this gets whackier by the moment.......
actually heat and friction can cause hair growth however your nail is not anatomically connected to your hair or the growth of it at all,rubbing your nail wont do anything but heat up your nail through friction.
Ancient Accupuncture is supposed to work for many body ailments. Good nutrition is the better choice for body upkeep maintenance and daily excercise.

What causes skin irritation and hair loss and how do you stop it?

my dog is really itchy and has bald spotsWhat causes skin irritation and hair loss and how do you stop it?
There can be a few things. It may be your dogs diet-if the food doesn't have the proper nurtients in it the dog may have really dry skin-there for the itching and scratching-which leads to the hair loss. I have a lab who I have to feed scrambled eggs 2/3 times a week and every so often i put a teaspoon of sunflower oil in with his food. This helps his dry skin and his coat. If this doesn't work he might have hotspots-contact your vet and they will be able to give you some ointment to put on them. They MIGHT also have something at a local pet store. Be sure not to bath your dog often..once every few months is perfect. The shampoo/water drys thier skin out.What causes skin irritation and hair loss and how do you stop it?
one of the main things i have found that cause that would be ring worm the best thing to do is take him to the vet and have him evaluated then he will be given a treatment that will stop that!!!
This happened to my Sassy a few months ago. She had a little bald spot just in front of her left ear. I took her to the vet and had a skin scraping test plus an allergy shot that cost ,in total, $80. The test was negative (of course). A few weeks went pass and nothing happened. Didn't clear up or anything. The all of a sudden it went away on it's own. But just to be sure, you should take your love in to be checked out. You never know. Good luck!
We have a cat in the family that gets like that often and a dog that kind of begins to scratch then forgets to stop. Our vet gives us shots of Pretnazone (spelling???) and it helps tremendously. But ask your vet for best results.

Also be sure your house isn't too dry for them or doesn't have bugs that make them itchy.
hi, are the dry spots moist?

your dog could have HotSpots,its a skin

irritation,its usually caused by feeding yhe

dog human food, or poor quality dog food.

there is medicine,or use a antifungi cream

that humans use its cheaper %26amp; works.

maybe allergies or flees. If you bath the dog often you may not be getting all the soap you use out of it's fur or bathing it to often which doesn't allow the skin oils to redevelop properly. and it could be that the dog is not getting the right nutrition.
Like someone else said, it can be due to a number of things and you should have an evaluation/exam done by a qualified vet. Sometimes contact allergies are the cause, but more often you see dogs with food allergies present like this and dogs that have flea allergy. Dogs are most commonly allergic to grains in dog food and you might try a dog food such as EVO (made by Natura) that has no grains. If fleas are the problem, do a search and decide what flea control product would work best for you. I, personally, prefer Advantage for my three dogs.

Good luck with your dog - I know it's upsetting to see them in this condition.
It might have tics, mites or fleas. Take it to the vet.
You should take ur dog to the vet there might be alot of reasons
It cd be food allergy but then it cd be because of shedding during summer and they itch when they shed, and because of that there may be spots because the new fur is not out yet.How old is your dog and how long has this been going on?
stop leting you dog in and out of the house when the air is on pluse you dog mite have a allergey take it to the vet
as i said before, have your dogs thyriod checked, if all else fails. It is one of the most common form of hot spots and very inexpensive to treat.
It can be a number of things...mange and/or allergies is the first thing that pops into my head. You will need to have a skin scraping done..the vet will take a tiny sample from you dog and observe it under a microscope for any parasites. Mange can be treated if caught on time.

The vet may want to switch your dog's food, to see if that is the prblem, or he/she may even prescribe some antihistamines, it all depends.

One last thing, it could be hot spots...if these are shaved and cleaned, they usually heal on their own.
hotspots. We went to walmart and they have this stuff in the dog section its a yellow liquid in a clear bottle i forget what its called just apply that to the spots and they should clear up
I know with my dog it was caused by letting them eat a low quality food. I switched to an all natural type like California Natural - Lamb and Rice. The lamb and rice it higher in fat so I limited the food I fed her. I also bought Safflower oil ( you can buy it at any grocery store ) and poured a little over her food each day. This cured the problem. I hope that helps you out some, I learned this AFTER i took her to the vet several times and spent over $200!!!!!!!
My dog has the same problem. It could be many different things. But i think she was allergic to fleas! I gave her a bath in flea shampoo and her hair started growning back! I have a chocolate lab and someone else said the same thing was wrong with their lab, they took theirs to the vet.
Take your dog to the vet to be assessed. I did and found out that my beagle had a mite that caused itchiness and hair loss. The vet gave him a dose of flea medication and I gave him another dose a week later. After 2 doses that problem was gone.
This could be many things. It could be that he is allergic to something or maybe has mange or fleas. If he is very itchy, then give him a brush and sit down with him when he is tired and relaxed. Search his hair and then maybe it would be best to go to the vets.
Complicated issue = could be food allergy, flea dermatitis, allergy to something in your home or yard.

First thing you need to make sure your dog is on a monthly flea preventative, every month without fail, Frontline, Advantix - ask your vet.

Secondly, feed a good quality dry dog food, with meat the first product, not corn or grain. In other words, no supermarket stuff or Walmart. Read the ingredients on the food, look for meat and no chemicals or fillers.

Then take your dog to your vet and have him checked for any obvious manges or allergies.

There are medications for skin problems, chief of which are mild steroids like prednisone which work very quickly to alleviate the problem, but you still need to get to the root of it.

Benadryl can help with the itching, and is over the counter.

Good luck, keep on this until your dog is comfortable, this can be very irritating to your dog.
your dog should see a vet there are many things that make that happen and with out seeing the dog no one would really be able to give you advice with out seeing the dog.
I pd $3200 for a solid white english bulldog and when she was less than a yr my husband bathed her in AXE shampoo. Needless to say.... all of her fell out. I had this bald, pink fat dog. Anyhoo.... took her to the vet and he put this collar on her. Looked like a generic flea collar, but it worked. We now only bathe her w/baby shampoo.

I suggest you call the local vet and get some professional advise. Doesn't sound very good, but then again it could be really simple!

How do you stop hair loss?

how do stop hair loss.How do you stop hair loss?
I have fine thin hair... I used nioxin and it seemed to work for me. I know it was because of stress, but when i used it, it seemed to fall out less and i felt it thicker over a period of time.

Hair loss is something hard to deal with, but if you stress over it, it gets worse. Thats what happened to me.

I recommend Nioxin because it worked for me. It might not work for everyone but it saved me through tough times.

Sometimes you can find it on sale at salons, but this is the site.

I hope this helps and good luckHow do you stop hair loss?
anyway as we know hair loss can be caused by many different reasons! Find out the actual cause of hair loss! There are many causes of loss of hair such as stress, poor nutrition ,medications, thyroid dysfunctions, illness, fungal infections ,hormonal problems, to mention a few.

year ago I suffered from hair loss too and I started trying everything you can imagine to stop my hair loss.

the things that really worked for me was:

1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

5) also I used herbal treatment - TrichoZed

It is a good product that helps prevent hair loss and it is an FDA approved product. I think it is very important!

It worked and still works for me!

I do not know if any pharmacies carry TrichoZed but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here

It enhances hair growth by blocking DHT (Dihydrotestostrone) - a major cause of hair loss!

good luck!

not only my and my husband`s own personal experience
1. Daily vitamin supplement is important. Poor nutrition is one cause of hair loss, thus, it is recommended that you take vitamins for your hair.

2. Brushing wet hair is a no-no. Use a comb instead of a hair brush, when your hair is wet.

3. Cut your hair as often as possible. Getting a hair cut at least every month, will help you acquire a good and healthy looking hair.

4. Everyday washing is recommended.

5. Allow your hair to be worn down. If you have medium to long hair, try to wear it down.
ere a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall.

1.Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow..

2. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair.

3. Massage with olive oil before going to bed at night and next morning, wash off the hair gently..

4. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea.Massage well and shampoo.

5. Beat two eggs,and add two tablespoons of water to it. Rinse hair and pour the egg mixture over the hair.Massage the scalp well and leave for 10 minutes.Then wash it.
Get more keratine ? its this micro nutrient i think. and is located in hair nails and skin you can get keratine from supplements which can be located at a chemiste or drug store whatever you call it. Or i think keratine is in protein foods so eat more protein food which is in meat and some vegetables.
I took special pills for hair, skin and nails.I took vitamin E pills and a multivitamin.

I also got a special shampoo that makes your hair stronger and helps it from falling out.

It helped a bit, before if i ran my fingers through my hair, i would have at least 5 hairs on it, now about 1, so thats a very big improvement and im not scared to wash my hair anymore (it was scary before..)
Vitamins %26amp; supplements, there is no better way. There are supplements out in the market called ';Hair %26amp; Nails';, you should try that.

Also, iron. Take iron or multivitamins everyday. It might seem like there's no connection, but really, if your body is healthy and is not lacking in nutrition, everything will follow.

Best regards,

Love R.F.
Here are some Hair loss Answers which would be of your help:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
become bald... no more hair loss...

else try this
you can cut your hair short to make it stop falling out.

my sister's hair falls out and she cut her hair short. it didn't fall as much anymore.
Improve the health of your organs.
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  • What causes patches of hair loss within the beard line of males? How do you stop further hair loss?

    i;m not sure you can stop it. but I do think it is husbands hair is doing the same thing so he just cut it all off.What causes patches of hair loss within the beard line of males? How do you stop further hair loss?
    i think it might be a chemical inbalance or stress:)What causes patches of hair loss within the beard line of males? How do you stop further hair loss?
    im shur its a hetertary whic mean your dad eather had the same problem or a great grand father and its past down to u
    i don't know i am not a male

    Does putting your hair in a ponytail promote hair loss? How do you stop it or how do you thicken your hair?

    I wear my hair in a ponytail most of the time but i sleep with it down. so I would think that is about the same amount as people who sleep with it up and wear it up every now and then. But my hair is so thin, I don't know what to do.Does putting your hair in a ponytail promote hair loss? How do you stop it or how do you thicken your hair?
    Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall.

    1.Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow..

    2. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair.

    3. Massage with olive oil before going to bed at night and next morning, wash off the hair gently..

    4. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea.Massage well and shampoo.

    5. Beat two eggs,and add two tablespoons of water to it. Rinse hair and pour the egg mixture over the hair.Massage the scalp well and leave for 10 minutes.Then wash it.Does putting your hair in a ponytail promote hair loss? How do you stop it or how do you thicken your hair?
    Excessively tight ponytails, where the hair is pulled with extreme tension from the hairline to the base of the pony can increase the risk of tension alopecia, a hair loss condition. This is more true when ponytails are worn for extended periods of time. Usually this requires daily tight ponytails for months or years. The bad news is that tension alopecia may cause permanent hair loss.

    There is no danger when wearing ponytails on an occasional basis, even if worn with tight sides and a crown.
    if you wear your ponytail too tight than it will pull on hair and make it fall out and also, the hair at the nape of your neck tends to be thinner than the rest of your hair, meaning the strands are thinner. when you wear a ponytail all the time it breaks the hair at the ponytail holder making little short hairs at the nape of your neck. i knew a guy that had long hair and he wore it in a ponytail all the time and he had all kinds of little short hairs at the nape of his neck. good luck!
    Actually I read in a magazine that when you wear it very often and always in the same spot you can develop a bald spot.

    Well I could not find the magazine. But yeah that's basically what they said that the tight elastic can over time create a bald spot.
    When you get your hair thinned at a salon, it is actually so your hair grows in thicker.

    Please HELP: How do you stop hair loss from mono?

    Last year in June i caught mono from my boyfriend... I had all the symptoms that causes mono and the last part of the month my hair started to fall out. I use to have thick short hair and now its still continuing to fall out and now i have lost half my hair and i cant see a doctor. Is there anyway i can help stop my hair from falling out? When will my hair stop falling out? please help!Please HELP: How do you stop hair loss from mono?
    Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall.

    1.Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow..

    2. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair.

    3. Massage with olive oil before going to bed at night and next morning, wash off the hair gently..

    4. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea.Massage well and shampoo.

    5. Beat two eggs,and add two tablespoons of water to it. Rinse hair and pour the egg mixture over the hair.Massage the scalp well and leave for 10 minutes.Then wash it.Please HELP: How do you stop hair loss from mono?
    try not to be stressed and rest at least 8hrs a day. also drink lots of water to neutralize your body. this site might help you regain you loss hair:

    you can find your answer by visiting

    your Solution is here.keep using